Holy Orders is the sacrament through which the mission entrusted by Christ to his apostles continues to be exercised in the Church until the end of time: thus it is the sacrament of apostolic ministry. It includes three degrees: episcopate, presbyterate, and diaconate.
For those who have chosen the ordained ministry, through sacramental ordination, they share in the priesthood of Christ in a special way. Their very beings are changed so that they can represent Jesus Christ the Good Shepherd for God’s people and Christ as the Head of the Church. They not only offer their own lives to the Father, as all Christians do, but they also stand before the Church and minister to the faithful as another Christ. Therefore, when they teach with the authority of the Church, Christ teaches; when they absolve sins in the sacrament of Reconciliation, then Christ forgives; when they offer the Sacrifice of the Mass then Christ offers that Sacrifice; when they love, support and care for God’s people entrusted to their care, then Christ is present with his people. (www.dioceseofsalford.org.uk)
“Every vocation is born of that gaze of love with which the Lord came to meet us, perhaps even at a time when our boat was being battered by the storm. We discover and embrace our vocation once we open our hearts in gratitude and respond to Jesus' call.”
Pope Francis
For more information about the priesthood in the Diocese of Salford, please contact:
Fr David Featherstone, Vocations Promoter
English Martyrs Presbytery, 5 Roseneath Road
Urmston, Manchester, M41 5AX
0161 748 2328
Fr John Hitchen, Vocations Director
St Catherine’s Presbytery
School Lane
Didsbury, Manchester M20 9HS
Tel 0161 445 2079
For information about becoming a permanent Deacon in the diocese please contact:
Fr Philip Caldwell
St Joseph’s Presbytery, 23 Gorton Road,
Reddish, Stockport, SK5 6AZ
0161 432 2168